How I Stay Sane and Happy as a Working Mom

Rabu, 29 Mei 2024

Hello everyone! Today, I want to share a heartfelt piece of my journey as a working mom. It’s been a roller coaster ride, juggling a career while raising a child. From working through pregnancy to raising my now 13-year-old child, every day has its own set of challenges and rewards. There have been moments of joy, pride, and sometimes guilt and exhaustion. But through it all, I've found ways to stay sane and, most importantly, happy. I hope my story resonates with and inspires other working moms navigating this delicate balance. So, let's start the story now ...

Working Mom

Embracing the Guilt

One of the hardest parts of being a working mom is dealing with the inevitable guilt. There are countless times when I wish I could be there for every milestone, every school event, and every little moment. Missing my child's first steps because I was in a meeting broke my heart. But over the years, I've learned to embrace this guilt rather than let it consume me. I remind myself that by working, I'm also providing for my child's future and setting an example of dedication and resilience. It’s a balancing act, but understanding that it's okay to feel this way is the first step in managing it.

Creating Quality Time

Since I can’t be with my child all the time, I’ve made it a priority to create quality time when we are together. We have our special rituals, like bedtime stories, weekend adventures, and just talking about our day over dinner. These moments are precious and help strengthen our bond. It’s not about the quantity of time but the quality of the interactions. I make sure to be fully present during these moments, putting away my phone and focusing solely on my child. It’s amazing how these little moments create lasting memories and deepen our connection.

Efficient Time Management

Time management has become my best friend. Balancing a career and motherhood requires meticulous planning. I use planners, apps, and calendars to keep track of both work and family commitments. By staying organized, I can maximize my productivity at work and ensure that I have enough time for my family. This structure allows me to allocate specific times for work and personal life, helping me to stay on top of things without feeling overwhelmed. Sunday evenings are dedicated to planning the week ahead, which includes everything from work meetings to my child’s soccer practice.

Working Mom

Leaning on a Support System

No one can do it all alone, and I’ve been fortunate to have a strong support system. My partner, family, and friends have been invaluable in helping me juggle responsibilities. Whether it’s picking up my child from school, helping with homework, or just being there for moral support, their assistance has made a world of difference. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it—having a reliable support network can significantly reduce stress. There was a time when I felt like asking for help was a sign of weakness, but I’ve since learned that it’s a strength.

Self-Care is Key

Taking care of myself has been crucial in maintaining my sanity. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and forget about self-care, but I’ve realized that I can’t pour from an empty cup. I make it a point to carve out time for activities that rejuvenate me, whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, practicing yoga, or enjoying a quiet cup of coffee. These moments of self-care recharge my batteries and make me a better mother and professional. I’ve even set a weekly “me-time” appointment in my calendar to ensure I don’t skip it.

Finding Joy in Little Things

Amidst the chaos, I’ve learned to find joy in the little things. A smile from my child, a kind word from a colleague, or even a moment of peace during a busy day—these small moments of happiness keep me going. I celebrate the small victories and appreciate the beauty in everyday life, which helps me maintain a positive outlook. I’ve started a gratitude journal where I jot down three things I’m thankful for each day, and it’s amazing how this simple practice can shift my mindset.

Reflecting on the Journey

Looking back, it’s incredible to see how far we’ve come. From those early days of balancing work with a newborn to now navigating the teenage years, each stage has brought its own set of challenges and rewards. While there have been tough times, there have also been countless moments of joy and pride. Reflecting on this journey reminds me of the strength and resilience I’ve developed along the way. There’s a sense of accomplishment in knowing that I’ve managed to balance my career and motherhood, and I’m grateful for every lesson learned.

Working Mom

In the end, I have come to accept and embrace my reality as a working mom. I have found peace in knowing that I am doing the best I can for my family. My child sees the dedication and effort I put into both my career and our time together, and that makes him proud. He often tells me how much he admires my hard work and commitment, which reassures me that I am setting a positive example. Balancing work and motherhood has its challenges, but it also brings immense rewards. Knowing that my child is proud of me and seeing him grow up with respect and admiration for his hardworking mother is the greatest achievement of all.

In conclusion, being a working mom is no easy feat, but it is incredibly rewarding. By embracing the guilt, creating quality time, managing time efficiently, leaning on a support system, practicing self-care, and finding joy in little things, I’ve managed to stay sane and happy. To all the working moms out there, remember that you are doing an amazing job. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but know that you are not alone in this journey. Together, we can navigate the beautiful chaos of motherhood and career with grace and strength. Here’s to us, the resilient working moms who keep the world turning while raising the next generation!

24 komentar

  1. Masya Allah Mba Aie. ini kok mewakili perasaanku banget. Aku jadi membaca beberapa tipsnya yang mau aku praktekan di rumah juga. Makasih ya.

  2. Salute and proud of you as a working mom. Because being a working mom is not an easy thing. Of course, you have to be able to accept the feeling of guilt for leaving your children behind, spend quality time, manage your time efficiently, and rely on a support system. Good luck to you, sis!

  3. Kaaak kamu hebat sekali, peluk jauuuh. Salut banget aku sama ibu ibu tangguh seperti kakak di luar sana yang bisa terus kuat dan bahagia, bisa berkarir dan mengurus keluarga. Bener kata orang bikaj kita semua punya 24 jam yang sama dalam sehari, tapi gak semua orang bisa menjalani apa yang kita jalani. Stau stronh and happy Kaaak

  4. Yesss, being a working mom isn’t easy sometimes, but you rockkk mak! It’s oke to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but once again, that you are not alone in your journey. Creating quality time, create memories, and finding joy in every moments, make yourself happy. Keep it up!

  5. I think your tips are very useful. Especially as working mothers, we have to be good at dividing and managing our time

  6. Artikelnya sangat membantu nih apalagi sekarang ini lagi banyak banget program soal anak. Kerjaan. kayaknya Mama juga butuh Me Time dan tipsnya juga sangat berguna

  7. Membaca ini, aku jadi flashback jaman aku benar-benar full working mom dan meninggalkan (khususnya) anakku yang pertama yang berbeda kota. Setiap hari, rasanya nggak tenang. Dan iya, perasaan bersalah itu terus menghantui, sampai akhirnya belajar memeluk semua hal di luar kuasaku. Sekarang anak-anakku sudah tumbuh besar. I wish I can go back (tapi kan nggak mungkin, ya). Jadi, di masa sekarang inilah, setiap kali ada momen bersama mereka, pasti aku maksimalkan. Meski sedihnya, ya kami saat ini berpisah juga karena anak-anakku kuliah dan sekolah di beda kota

  8. saya tuh selalu salut sama ibu pekerja, bisa membagi waktu untuk keluara dan pekerjaan itu pasti gak mudah sekali. Belum kegalauan pas anak sakit tapi harus tetap kerja. Semangat terus yaa mba sehat-sehat

  9. sebagai sesama working mom tentunya aku bisa relate dengan tulisan, mbak. memang setiap ibu memiliki perjuangannya masing-masing ya mbak dan sebagai ibu bekerja kita kadang memang harus menyeimbangkan dunia kerja dengan urusan rumah

  10. Mbak Aie, your sharing is truly inspiring. I'm impressed by your bravery and perseverance as a working mother. The emotions you experience, such as guilt and exhaustion, are surely felt by many other mothers out there. However, the way you confront and manage these feelings by embracing them as part of the journey is remarkable.

  11. Jadi inget masa-masa jadi working mom dulu. Perjuangan banget rasanya. Semangat, mba.. Jangan lupa sediakan waktu untuk me time yaaa..

  12. Jadi ingat masa-masa menjadi ibu bekerja, yang nyatanya memang bikin kita tuh berasa waktu 24 jam gak cukup. Penginnya kerja dan urusan rumah tangga imbang, nyatanya dulu aku masih dibantu mamahku untuk ngurusin anakku saat ku tinggal kerja. Semangat ya kak Aie, kamu luar biasa

  13. Maak, I understand how you feel. As a working mom myself, there are times when I really want to give up. However, I remind myself that I'm doing this for the sake of our family, not just for fun. So now, I try to embrace my roles and ensure I have quality time with my family.

  14. Masya Allah..seneng ih bacanya.. bagaimana mbak Aie berikhtiar tetap menjaga ikatan dengan anak-anak, menciptakan waktu berkualitas bersama mereka. Ini saya pelan-pelan bacanya mengingat gak paham-paham amat Bahasa Inggris, tapi sok iye juga ga mau bukan gugel translate hahahah

  15. Salut buat para working mom. Setuju sekali yang terpenting emang manajemen waktu dan bagaimana membuat waktu berkualitas dengan keluarga ya.
    Setuju juga bahwa self care dan merayakan pencapaian2 entah besar kecil itu juga sangat bermakna untuk membuat diri semakin kuat saat oleng yak.

  16. Semangat buat Ibu Pekerja. Semakin nambah usia, aku sadar sih tiap pilihan pasti ada konsekuensinya termasuk soal karir atau jadi IRT. Apa pun itu, asal keluarga dukung, sah-sah saja. Yang penting punya waktu yang berkualitas untuk keluarga

  17. Jadi ibu bekerja rasanya nano-nano pisan ya, Mbak. Saya juga sedang mengalaminya. Kadang ada merasa bersalah, kadang sedih. Namun, selama kita melakukannya dengan baik, Insya Allah bisa terlewati meskipun berat.

    Saya lagi kepirkian juga nih sekarang. Bentsr lagi anak mulai sekolah, saya yg udah pusing ngebayangin nanti dia gimana. Pulangnya gimana, dijemput siapa, dll.

  18. Keren dirimu say, jadi working mom ngga mudah karena harus dilakukan sambil mengurus keluarga dan rumah..sehat selalu yaa..

  19. Pernah ngrasain di 2 sisi: full IRT dan full working mom, masing-masing punya plus dan minusnya...

  20. Ibu bekerja pastinya harus bisa membagi tanggung jawab dan berbagi perhatian pada diri sendiri, pasangan, anak dan keluarga lainnya,

  21. Sure, I proud of you as a working mom. Because being a working mom is not an easy choise sist.

  22. Being a working mum is definitely a dilemma, isn't it?
    So that with reinforcement from the environment, all anxiety and difficulties can be overcome. Working moms are indeed champions.

  23. Masya Allah.. keren banget dirimu, Mbak. Bisa sukses sebagai working mom sekaligus mengurus rumah tangga. Time management-nya itu loh patut dicontoh olehku khususnya. Hehe. Mesti disiplin sama rencana dan aturan sendiri, ya :)

  24. Agree mbaaa. Menjadi working mom bukan berarti kita ga hebat sebagai ibu. Kuncinya cuma time management. Dan juga support dari spouse.

    Disaat bisa mengambil cuti aku manfaatkan utk berlibur dengan anak2 juga, jd mereka bisa menikmati liburan bareng dengan ortunya. Untungnya kantorku tipe yg ga mau mengganggu staff di saat mereka sedang cuti. Jd bener2 aku bisa fokus dengan anak2 saat liburan


Terimakasih sudah mampir dan membaca tulisanku ini, bahagia deh rasanya kalo kamu bisa berkomentar baik tanpa ngasih link apapun dan enggak SPAM. :)